
About Carbon Majors

About Carbon Majors

Carbon Majors is a database of historic production data from 141 of the world’s largest fossil fuel and cement producers. This data is used to quantify the direct operational emissions (Scope 1) and emissions from the combustion of marketed products (Scope 3) that can be attributed to these entities. The earliest data goes back to 1854 and contains over 1.42T tonnes of CO2e covering 72% of anthropogenic emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

The Carbon Majors database was originally released by the Climate Accountability Institute (CAI). Since 2020, InfluenceMap have worked with CAI to take over the database and provide an online platform accessible to all stakeholders. The database currently consists of:

  • 141 fossil fuel and cement producers (the so-called ‘Carbon Majors’). These 141 entities are divided up into 94 investor-owned companies; 39 state-owned companies; and 8 nation state producers. Nation states are used exclusively in the coal sector with two exceptions: China’s cement production, and the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas production. Current and former nation states are included when investor-owned or state-owned companies haven’t been established or played a minor quantitative role in those nations. Examples used include North Korea and former Soviet states (the former Soviet Union and separately the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland, etc.)

  • There are 85 oil producers, 84 gas producers, 64 coal producers, and 7 cement producers.

  • 1,415,957,057,672 tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (over 1.42T tonnes CO2e) from direct operational emissions (Scope 1) and emissions from the combustion of marketed products (Scope 3) covering 72% of anthropogenic emissions since 1751.